Companies that want to be able to offer their customers legal services must have an official presence within our country’s governmental structure. This is known as registering your business with the State.
When you register your company, you will need to supply certain information such as your name, address, phone number, email, and directors (if needed). Your title can vary depending on what kind of service your company offers.
Some examples include President, Chief Executive Officer, or Owner; Secretary; Treasurer; Manager Marketing Coordinator; Assistant General Counsel; etc. Make sure to use appropriate titles for your position!
Business owners often get confused when it comes to state registrations because there are so many different states. Luckily, there are some great online resources where you can find all the necessary info. You can also visit Regsiterurcompany website to ask questions if needed
This article will go into more detail about how to register your business in the United States, but first, let us talk about why this is important.
You need to apply for the proper licenses
While some countries require you to be registered as an individual before you can do business under your company name, this is not true in the United States. You can go through the process of registering your company without having personal liability first.
There are two main types of licenses that companies must have to operate legally: Doing Business As (DBA) and General Partnership Licenses. Both license types allow you to use the company’s name as well as your own while doing business, but only if you are both owners of the business.
Open a bank account
Once your business has been registered, you will then need to have a place to save all your company’s financial documents. This is where your bank comes into play. You can either use an online banking site or a traditional brick-and-mortar location for this.
Most banks offer business savings accounts that are very friendly with companies. Some even allow you to connect your smartphone to access your accounts!
This way you do not have to carry around heavy bags full of paperwork, just log onto your device and go through your daily tasks. Many people enjoy using these mobile apps because of this.
Register your company
It is very important that you as an entrepreneur or business owner keep track of all your registration paperwork. This includes registering your company with the state where you do business, with both federal agencies like the IRS and others like banks and other financial institutions that need permission to use your company’s name, credit card, etc.
Most states require you to register your company within seven days of it being formed. Some even have quick registration services online or through paid apps.
Pay any federal or state taxes
After you have completed your registration process, your business will need to be taxed at some level. This is usually done through either filing as an individual business owner with the IRS or forming a limited liability company (LLC) and paying corporate tax obligations.
If you decide to go this route, make sure you comply with all legal requirements for both corporations and LLCs so that you don’t face any issues later!
Legal requirements include having proper licenses, filings, etc., but also ensuring that everything about your business has been wiped clean – even if it’s just for now!
By doing this, you are protecting yourself from future complications.
Choose a business structure
Now that you have determined what state or jurisdiction your company will operate under, it is time to find out how your business will be organized! There are three main types of business structures used for start-ups: sole proprietorships, general partnerships, and corporations.
Sole proprietorship - Also known as a private individual business, this form of business organization requires you to own and run the business yourself. You can hire someone else to work for you (employee) but you must also pay for their health insurance and other benefits. This is typically the easiest type of business to set up, however, you lose control over the money if anything happens to the owner.
General partnership - General partnerships allow two or more individuals to pool resources together to create your business. For example, you each contribute an amount of money to purchase equipment or start-up costs, then share profits and losses equally.
Just like with a solo business, you must include personal liability coverage for the partners. These policies usually cover lost income due to injury at work, legal fees related to the case, and additional medical bills.
Corporation - A corporation comes with many formalities such as minutes of recorded meetings, shareholder agreements, board members appointed by shareholders, and so on. While this is not necessary unless you want them, most companies opt to implement these because they offer limited liability for investors and employees.
Choose your company’s name
Now that you have determined whether you are going to be doing business as an individual or through a corporation, you will need to pick your company’s legal identity. This is your “silk purse” – how people refer to you legally (as well as what products they associate with you!).
It is important to use your credit card to register your business so that it has been approved.
Apply for federal and state insurance
As mentioned earlier, before you can be officially registered as an LLC or corporation in your area, you will need to confirm that you are covered under both federal and state insurance laws.
Most small business owners choose to go through a local professional services firm to help them register their company, but there is nothing wrong with doing it yourself!
By registering your business, yourself, you can save quite a bit of money by negotiating lower registration fees from professionals. You also get to control what information you add to your company's documents, so make sure to check out our article about how to manage your company’s files.
You should consider investing in business licensing and regulation packages because this coverage is almost always included in the price of professional service contracts.
Open a business bank account
Now that you have determined that your home is no longer suitable for occupancy, you will need to register your company with either the IRS or state tax agencies. This process is typically done through an accounting firm or banking institution.
Most banks offer at least basic services such as offering loans so that you can start investing in new equipment or closing out lease obligations. They also usually require you to put in some sort of personal identification like a driver’s license or passport to verify yourself.
This helps avoid fraudulent use of the account by someone else.
Our Services
Sole Proprietorships and Partnerships
LLC or Corporation
Non-profit organization
Start an LLC corporation in California